Standard delivery depending on where you live, you should receive your order within 2 - 5 business days after processing is done at our warehouse.
FedEx takes approximately the following times within Canada for shipping
East coast destinations take 1 - 4 business days.
Midwest destinations take 3 - 5 business days.
West coast destinations take 5 - 6 business days.
sometimes there might be delay in processing the order, in that case we will quickly get the product(s) from our supplier(s) and ship your product as soon as possible.
If these time periods have been exceeded and you have not received your order, then please contact us by email- (support@health4lifenow.com). We will track your order and provide you an expected delivery date.
The following refund policy applies to all products except those stating their own refund policy with the product description
We offer 100% hassle-free return policy to our valued customers within 20 days of the invoice date.
Please contact us by email before shipping your product. (support@health4lifenow.com) Please mention the following when emailing us: Order Number and the reason for return.
to get full refund, the product MUST be unopened.
shipping is $15.00 in Canada* (a flat charge). International shipping is charged at the actual rate.
Credit cards accepted are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Visa Debit, Master Debit and we also accept PayPal payments.
Yes. For security purposes, we need to confirm your card number and expiration date every time you order VIA telephone.